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Personal data protection The content of this Web Site is the intellectual property of  Vp Creations, subject to any rights not expressly granted here. All intellectual property rights contained in this Web site belong to Vp Creations or to third parties legally concerned. By gaining access to this Site you agree that you accept the above intellectual property laws. Privacy Statement All intellectual property rights (including copyrights, software rights, rights in databases, patents, know-how, underlying algorithms, trademarks, logos, trade names and other trademarks as well as other similar rights, requests, updates) related to our site belong to the Vp Creations Online Shop. This also applies to any modifications to our site. Some elements of our website include open-source software that may be owned by third parties (“Open-Source Software”). The use of Open-Source Software is governed by the terms on which it is made available. These terms do not apply to the use of Open-Source Software.

  1. Vp Creations Online Shop respects your privacy

1.1 Protection of your privacy when processing your personal data and the security of all business data is an important issue that we take into account during our business activities. The processing of personal data collected during your visit to our website and mobile apps is confidential and solely in accordance with applicable law. 1.2 Privacy and information security are part of our company policy.

  1. Collection, maintenance and general processing of personal data

Personal data is any information that refers to and identifies or identifies an individual, such as name, address, place of residence, telephone number, e-mail address, profession, financial status.

  1. We collect, process and maintain personal data

Namely, the name, surname, and addresses including IP addresses only if you have given us your explicit consent (e.g. as part of a registration, inquiry, competition or contract), with the exception of the application including the need to process personal data in the context of a statutory Vp Creations obligation or in the context of executing a contractual relationship with the other party to the personal data.

  1. Purpose of processing personal data

Vp Creations, in its capacity as processor, uses and generally processes your personal data for the purpose of technically managing the website and mobile apps, for customer management in the sense of tracking the history of transactions with each customer and its pricing, product inquiries, and any queries you may submit to us only to the extent and for as long as is necessary to fulfill this purpose.

  1. Transmitting personal data to third parties for processing

Vp Creations has outsourced tasks such as sales and marketing services, contract management, payment settlement, scheduling, data hosting and open customer service. These providers act as processors as they process their personal data on order and on behalf of  Vp Creations. Vp Creations has carefully selected these service providers and regularly monitor them, particularly for the careful use and safeguarding of the data stored in them. All service providers are required by Vp Creations to observe confidentiality and comply with the provisions of the law.

  1. Use of cookies

6.1 General Cookies are small text files stored on your computer. With the help of these files, it can be detected if your finished device has already contacted our website. Reading cookies allows us to customize your website and make it easier for you to use.

6.2 Cookies of  Vp Creations

Vp Creations uses cookies and active elements (e.g., JavaScript) to track visitor preferences and optimize the design of the site.

6.3 Cookies of third-party providers Vp Creations website incorporates content and services from other providers (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter), which in turn can use cookies and active data. Vp Creations has no influence on the processing of personal data by these providers.

6.4 Disabling and deleting cookies When you visit our web pages, you ask for a Cookie-Layer Pop Up if you allow the cookies that are on our site or you want to disable them in the settings. If you decide not to allow cookies, then an Opt-Out cookie is set in your browser. The Opt-Out system means that natural or legal persons can declare their objection to the processing of their data directly to the controller. This cookie only serves to match your complaint. Disabling cookies may, however, lead to some features of our site being no longer available. Please be aware that an Opt-Out cookie for technical reasons may only be used for the Browser from whom it is set. When you delete cookies or use another Browser or other end device, you must perform the “Opt-Out” rebuttal operation again. However, the setting feature does not cover those cookies that were placed during your visit to third party websites by other providers. However, through your Browser you can delete all Cookies at any time. For this, consult your browser’s help functions. And this can still lead to some special features being no longer available to you.

  1. Use retargeting tools

7.1 We use retargeting technologies to optimize Vp Creations online marketing. So, the offer on the internet is made more interesting for you and is tailored to your needs.

7.2 By using cookies that capture your interest in our products and services as well as our usage behavior analysis, we can serve you with personalized and relevant advertising on our Retargeting partners’ websites, such as Google AdWords. But this happens anonymously, so you can not recognize it through retargeting.

7.3 Retargeting tools are only used if you have given us your consent. Therefore, you must have accepted the use of the relevant cookies as described in point 6 above.

  1. Using conversion tracking

8.1 To make our online offer for our users as attractive as possible, we use so-called conversion tracking.

8.2. Our conversion tracking partners, such as Google AdWords, place a “cookie” on your computer, if you come to our website through an advertiser of your partner. These cookies expire after 30 days. In case you visit some of our pages and the cookie has not yet expired, then we and our partner tracking partner can recognize that someone has clicked on the ad and was promoted to our site. Cookies cannot be tracked through our website. The information collected with the help of the conversion-cookie is used to create conversion statistics and to verify the total number of users who clicked on the corresponding ad and were promoted to a page marked a conversion-tracking- tag. But this happens anonymously, so you can not recognize it through conversion tracking.

8.3 Use of conversion tracking is only used if you have given us your consent. Therefore, you must have accepted the use of the relevant cookies as described in point 6 above.

  1. Use analysis tools

9.1 For websites, Vp Creations performs access metrics with network analysis tools such as Web Trends.

9.2 When selecting the analysis tools, we ensure that they collect the access data only anonymously, so that no connection with a user can be restored. In particular, this occurs through the anonymization of the IP address. Cookies are used to measure cookies to allow analysis of the use of the site. Particularly Vp Creations can thus improve the quality of the data. The resulting information on the use of web pages is transferred to the statistics server, which operates at Vp Creations. Only authorized people have access to these anonymous data.

9.3 When you do not want to use corresponding analysis cookies, then act as in Section 6.4. 10 Using Social Plugins (Social Add-ons)

10.1 Vp Creations uses social plugins from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ on its website and mobile apps (mobile apps). Here are activation fields, such as “Facebook Like Button” (Facebook button I like).

10.2 With the so-called double-click method, we protect you from the standard detection and evaluation of your visit to our websites by social network providers. If you visit a page of our site, which includes such plugins (plugins), these are initially disabled. Only when you click on the offered button plugins (plugins) are enabled. With this activation, you get the connection to the social network and you signify your consent to the transmission of your data. If you press the corresponding button, the corresponding information is transferred directly from your browser to the social network and stored there. If you want to stop the transfer, you must turn off the plugin (plug-in) again.

10.3 When connected to a social network, the data collected during your visit may be cross-checked with your own stored member data. If you do not want to associate the social network with the data collected on your visit with your saved member data, you must log out before activating the social key Plugin (social add-on) from the social network.

10.4 For information on the purpose and scope of data collection, further processing and use of social networking data, and your respective rights and regulatory options to protect your privacy, please refer to the data protection guidelines of each social network. 1

1 Using Recording Services

11.1 We offer you the ability to connect to our website and mobile apps with social-logins such as Facebook-Connect.

11.2 To sign up, go to the social networking page where you can connect to your data. This means that the account you keep on the network is linked to our service. Here, in case of your consent, the information of your public profile, your email address, and the identities of your online friends are transferred to us through the appropriate social networking service. Instead, the social networking service used to sign up gets your login status, Browser information, and your IP address when you give us when you visit our website for this consent.

11.3 If you do not want data to be transmitted between us and the social networking service, then do not log in through social services, but instead use our own connection services.

12 Advertising

12.1 Consent and withdrawal When you give us personal information, we use it in order to be able to inform you of our products and services and possibly ask for your opinion of them, provided you have explicitly given us your consent to the use of personal your data for promotional and market research purposes. If we use a market research institute for research, then it acts as a processor solely on order and in accordance with the instructions of Vp Creations. If you have given us your consent for advertising and / or market research but in the future, you do not wish to receive any advertising anymore or to inquire about our products and services from Vp Creations then you can withdraw the consent yours anytime for the future by following the following procedure: Send us an email at with the subject of deleting your personal information asking for their deletion. Your data will then be deleted or, if it is still necessary for pricing and accounting purposes, will only be used to manage our customer relationship.

12.2 Newsletter On our website and apps, you can subscribe to the newsletter. We will send you a Newsletter via e-mail, mobile information services (such as WhatsApp), SMS or push updates if you previously take the following action by clicking on a link to a message that will you explicitly confirm the activation of our newsletter service. If you decide subsequently not to receive the Vp Creations Newsletters, you can terminate your subscription at any time by withdrawing your consent. The withdrawal of consent to receive a Newsletter via e-mail is via the link printed in the Newsletter or by e-mail to the service agents or our website management settings. The Mobile Newsletter is the recall by sending the Stopp message to the distributor.

13 Mobile applications

13.1 Using our mobile apps in addition to our online offer, we have mobile apps that you can download to your mobile end device. In this case you also have the rights described here. In addition to data collected on webpages, we collect additional personal data in our mobile apps, which arise especially from the use of a mobile end device. However, this is only the case when you have given us your consent for it every time.

13.2 Collecting your location data Our offer also includes the so-called “Location Based Services”, which offers you special offers for your location. To be able to offer you these app features, we collect your GPS location data and your IP address when you have given your consent. You can allow or revoke this feature at any time in your App or operating system settings by doing the appropriate actions.

13.3 Advertising Identifier / Advertising ID Collection For promotional purposes we use the so-called “Advertising Identifier” (IDFA) and the so-called Advertising ID for iOS. These are unique but non-personalized and non-permanent identifying numbers for a particular end device, created via iOS or Android. This data collected is not related to other information related to the tools. We use their identification numbers to provide you with personalized advertising and we can evaluate your use. When you enable “No Ad-Tracking” in your iOS settings – “Advertising” or if you enable “Disable interest-based advertising” in “Google Settings” – “Advertising,” we can only receive the following measures: Measure your banner interaction by counting the number of views of a “banner without frequency click”, clickthrough rate, single user verification, and security measures fraud and confrontation p sculptures. You can delete the IDFA (Ad ID) or Ad ID (“Reset Ad-ID”) at any time in your device settings, then create a new ID that is not associated with the previously collected data. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that you may not be able to use all the features of our Apps when you restrict the use of the identified identification numbers.

14 Using external links (link) Vp Creations sites may include links to third-party sites – with providers who are not affiliated with us. When you click on the link, we no longer have any responsibility – involved in the collection, processing and use of personal data transmitted to third parties by clicking on the link (such as the IP address or URL of the page, which contains the link), because third-party actions, as is normal, are beyond our control. For the processing of such personal data by third parties, Vp Creations accepts no responsibility.

15 Safety

15.1 Affiliates and service providers charged with Vp Creations are required to keep confidentiality and comply with the applicable EU and national laws on the protection of personal data, the decisions of the competent authority and the present terms.

15.2 Vp Creations shall take all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of the data we manage from tampering, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons or unauthorized disclosure. Our security measures are continually improving, respectively, of the evolution of technology. 16 Information and Correction Users have the right to request at any time information about the personal data stored for them and to know whether their personal data are processed or processed. In addition, users have the right to opt out at any time, including the correction, for the processing of their data. For this purpose, any request should be submitted in writing to Vp Creations, as detailed in clause 1

  1. Revocation and deletion

17.1 In addition, you may at any time revoke your consent to the collection, processing and use of your personal data in the future.

17.2. The deletion of personal data takes place when you withdraw consent to storage – and in general to processing – when the knowledge of personal data to fulfill the intended purpose is no longer necessary or when processing for other legal reasons is permissible.

17.3. Data required for pricing and accounting purposes or subject to legal retention requirements, no affected. Unless access is necessary, this data is also bound.

  1. Communication

For information, corrections, suggestions, and complaints about processing your personal data and for withdrawing your consent, you can contact us via email or email to the responsible person responsible for processing your personal data in the email